Yup, almost happened.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Donate to My Taller
I know I'm far away serving humanity in the Peace Corps and have thus deprived many of you the opportunity to buy my a Christmas present. A tragedy indeed. But you can make up for it by donating to the National Business Workshop I'm heading up.
We will be inviting business people, and people who are starting businesses, from all over Paraguay to participate in a 3 day, 2 night workshop. They'll learn about creating sustainable businesses, how to increase their profit, being community leaders, dealing with the stigma of success, how to find and use credit properly, etc.
Your donation with help pay for food, transportation, and lodging. This will be the first opportunity that many, if not most, of the participants have had for any sort of business education.
Please help us open the taller to as many people as possible.
Just follow this little link and give what you can
You're donation is tax deductible. So be sure to get it in before the first of the year so you can take it off of your 2010 taxes.
Thanks again. Feliz Navidad.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The universe decided to kindly, though not subtly, remind me I’m a pasty white girl. I got a nasty sunburn on the back of my neck because, for the first time in probably months, I left the house (on a cloudy day) without my hat, umbrella, or sunscreen. Thanks.
Re-colored my hair. Amazingly I found the a very similar color in Loreal. I used Garnier HerbaShine the first time around, but they don’t carry that demi-permanent line here.
Verdict, I think I liked the GN color a little bit better, but Loreal left my hair much softer.
Monday, December 13, 2010
No Bubbles
Today I bought my second tank of gas for my stove. I purchased my last one December 24, 2009. Yes, Christmas eve, just before I needed to start cooking dinner for my volunteer friends coming over for Christmas lunch. My old tank ran out about 2 weeks ago, but I just now got around to getting a new one, because I was in the process of inviting people over, again, for Christmas lunch/dinner. At least I bought it two weeks in advance, not two hours.
The price went from 80,000 to 95,000 G, so I'm thankful that I only seem to buy them once a year.
I bought the tank from the lady on the corner, and the story lady’s daughter helped me lug it over to my house. I tried hooking it up myself, but I was freaked out because it sounded like it was leaking gas. I disconnected everything and went to my landlady to ask her to try it. She hooked it up and then had the most ingenious little trick to see if there was a leak. She took a sponge and some liquid soap and lathered up the connecting part of the tank. Bubbles = leak, being poisoned in my sleep, and/or my house exploding. No Bubbles = Popcorn time.
Time to go make popcorn :)