Monday, March 26, 2012

Fulbright Limbo

Fulbright has made their decision; I’m an alternate. :( :) 

I don’t know how many alternates there are or how far down on the list I am.  I’ve asked, though I don’t know if they’ll tell me.  In some ways its worse than getting an outright rejection because then I’d be able to plan better. 

As it is, I could get a message anytime between now and February telling me someone has dropped out.  Needless to say it makes planning for the future a little difficult, and I have only five months to figure out a plan that keeps me busy but uncommitted until February, in case I get in.  At the same time I need to plan for those months after February in case I don’t get in.

I’ve been looking into graduate schools lately, but since I don’t know what I want to study, it’s very overwhelming.  While I do want to go back to school, I don’t feel like the immediate future ie right after peace corps, is the right time to do it.  I could try to get a job, but it would probably take months, and I’d probably have to quit it a little while later to go to school.  Oh decisions, decisions. I’ll leave them for tomorrow.

I’ve taught my exercise class for today, bought a roast chicken for dinner, given the six hotdog buns that accompanied the chicken to the dogs on my way home.  I’m skipping my own exercise routine, just finished watching Seinfeld’s “I’m telling you for the last time” video, started Sin City, going to pour a nice big glass of wine, take a shower, go to bed early, and start figuring out things in the morning.  

Suggestions are welcome.

The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want. 
Ben Stein 

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